Source code for chess.engine

This engine is designed to interface with the modified sunfish file to
provide a specialised interface between the other modules in this project
and the chess logic underneath.
from __future__ import print_function
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
import sys
import chess.sunfish_custom as sunfish

[docs]class HiddenPrints: """Context manager for suppressing the print output of functions within its scope.""" def __enter__(self): self._original_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = None def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): sys.stdout = self._original_stdout
[docs]class Error(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in this module.""" pass
[docs]class EngineError(Error): """Exception raised for errors in the game engine. Attributes: message -- explanation of the error """ def __init__(self, message): self.message = message
[docs]class ChessState: """Class holding the ongoing state of the chess board.""" def __init__(self, debug=False): self.debug = debug self.board = list( 'rnbqkbnr' # 00 - 07 'pppppppp' # 08 - 15 '........' # 16 - 23 '........' # 24 - 31 '........' # 32 - 39 '........' # 40 - 47 'PPPPPPPP' # 48 - 55 'RNBQKBNR' # 56 - 63 ) self.letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'] self.move_from_index = None self.move_to_index = None self.move_from_pos = None self.move_to_pos = None self.move_from_piece = None self.user_move = None self.col_labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'] self.row_labels = ['8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1']
[docs] def get_bwe(self): """Returns the current game state as a BWE list.""" bwe = [] for i in range(len(self.board)): if self.board[i] == '.': bwe.append('E') elif self.board[i].islower(): bwe.append('B') elif self.board[i].isupper(): bwe.append('W') else: raise EngineError("Unsupported board piece found") return bwe
[docs] def get_bwe_move(self, bwe): """Takes a BWE list and returns the move that was made. Attributes: * bwe: A list of single character strings either 'B','W', or 'E'. Returns: * piece (str): Type of piece that moved e.g. ``'P'`` * move (str): Move recognised in BWE e.g. ``'a2a4'`` """ move = self.compare_bwe(bwe) # compare BWE piece = self.board[move[0]] # get piece type if self.debug: print("piece: ", piece) print("start pos", move[0]) move_from = self.convert_to_pos(move[0]) move_to = self.convert_to_pos(move[1]) return piece, move_from+move_to
[docs] def compare_bwe(self, new_bwe): """Takes a BWE list and compares it to the existing game state. Return tuple of ``(move_from, move_to)`` indices for the single move that's detected. Does not verify if move is a legal one.""" m1 = self.get_bwe() m2 = new_bwe b_before = m1.count('B') w_before = m1.count('W') e_before = m1.count('E') b_after = m2.count('B') w_after = m2.count('W') e_after = m2.count('E') if self.debug: print("Number of B elements before: ", b_before) print("Number of W elements before: ", w_before) print("Number of E elements before: ", e_before) print("Number of B elements after: ", b_after) print("Number of W elements after: ", w_after) print("Number of E elements after: ", e_after) # Conduct sanity checks if len(m1) != len(m2): raise EngineError("Two unequally sized BWE matrices cannot be compared") if not b_before-1 <= m2.count('B') <= 16: raise EngineError("Invalid number of black pieces in new BWE") if not w_before <= m2.count('W') <= 16: raise EngineError("Invalid number of white pieces in new BWE") max_empties = 64 - b_before - w_before + 1 if not 32 <= m2.count('E') <= max_empties: raise EngineError("Invalid number of empty squares in new BWE") mismatches = [] for i in range(len(m1)): if m1[i] != m2[i]: mismatches.append(i) if len(mismatches) > 2: raise EngineError("More than two positions on the board have changed!") index1 = mismatches[0] index2 = mismatches[1] piece1 = self.board[index1] piece2 = self.board[index2] if self.debug: print("Mismatch 1: ", piece1, index1) print("Mismatch 2: ", piece2, index2) if piece1 == '.' or piece1.islower(): return index2, index1 elif piece2 == '.' or piece2.islower(): return index1, index2 else: raise EngineError("There was a problem detecting the move in the BWE")
[docs] def convert_to_pos(self, index_num): """Takes an board index (0-63) and converts to the corresponding board position (e.g. 'a2').""" row = index_num // 8 col = index_num - 8 * (index_num // 8) coord = self.col_labels[col] + self.row_labels[row] return coord
[docs] def convert_to_index(self, chess_pos): """Takes an board position (e.g. 'a2') and converts to the corresponding board index ( 0-63).""" col_label = chess_pos[0] row_label = chess_pos[1] col = self.col_labels.index(col_label) row = self.row_labels.index(row_label) return row * 8 + col
[docs] def update_board(self, bwe_matrix): """Updates the game state with the latest BWE matrix after the user has played their turn. The BWE has been checked and the move has been checked with Sunfish. """ move = self.compare_bwe(bwe_matrix) # Start and end locations of moving piece self.move_from_index = move[0] self.move_to_index = move[1] # Convert all position indices into chess locations self.move_from_pos = self.convert_to_pos(self.move_from_index) self.move_to_pos = self.convert_to_pos(self.move_to_index) self.move_from_piece = self.board[self.move_from_index] self.user_move = self.move_from_pos + self.move_to_pos if self.debug: print("Piece moved by user: ", self.move_from_piece) print("Moved from: ", self.move_from_pos) print("Moved to: ", self.move_to_pos) # Update internal board self.board[self.move_to_index] = self.board[self.move_from_index] self.board[self.move_from_index] = '.' if self.debug: print(self.board)
[docs]class ChessEngine: """Engine that manages communication between main program and chess AI Sunfish (running in separate process). It's main purpose is to take a BWE matrix as the user's potential move and provide an analysis of this move by either reporting back its invalidity or the AI's response. """ def __init__(self, debug=False, suppress_sunfish=True): self.debug = debug self.suppress_sunfish = suppress_sunfish self.state = ChessState(debug=self.debug) self.command_q = mp.Queue() self.reply_q = mp.Queue() self.valid_q = mp.Queue() if self.debug: print("Starting Sunfish...") if suppress_sunfish: with HiddenPrints(): self.start_sunfish_process() else: self.start_sunfish_process()
[docs] def start_sunfish_process(self): """Spins up external process for Sunfish AI. Process communicates with three queues, the command queue (for user moves), the valid queue for confirming if the user queue is valid, and the reply queue for the Sunfish computer move response. """ chess_ai = mp.Process(target=sunfish.main, args=(self.command_q, self.reply_q, self.valid_q)) chess_ai.daemon = True chess_ai.start()
[docs] def input_bwe(self, bwe): """Takes in the latest BWE and tries to input that to Sunfish AI. Returns: code : int * ``-1``, BWE was invalid * ``0``, move was invalid * ``1``, user won the game with move * ``2``, computer won the game with checkmate * ``3``, computer did not win and result Depending on ``code``, this will vary: * ``-1``, None * ``0``, Move that was invalid as string * ``1``, None * ``2``, Move that computer is playing to win as tuple * ``3``, Move that computer is playing as tuple Computer move is a list of tuples in the form: * ``[ (piece_to_move, move) ]``, or * ``[ (piece_to_kill, location), (piece_to_move, move) ]`` where, * Pieces are single character strings. * Locations are two character strings e.g. 'a2' * Moves are 4 character strings e.g. 'a2a4' """ if self.debug: print("Comparing the BWE matrix to game state") try: move = self.state.get_bwe_move(bwe) # get the move from the bwe matrix except EngineError: return -1, None if self.debug: print("Passing the move to the Sunfish AI: ", move) self.command_q.put(move[1]) # pass the move to the chess ai valid = self.valid_q.get(block=True) if self.debug: print("Validity from Sunfish AI: ", valid) if not valid: return 0, move # move was invalid, return 0 and invalid move elif valid == 1: if self.debug: print("Sunfish has reported that user won with move: ", move) return 1 elif valid in [2, 3]: if valid == 2: print("Validity was 2 so computer made checkmate") self.state.update_board(bwe) # update the board with the latest move reply = self.reply_q.get(block=True) # get the return move from Sunfish if self.debug: print("Sunfish replied with: ", reply) # split the reply move_from_pos = reply[0:2] move_to_pos = reply[2:] move_from_index = self.state.convert_to_index(move_from_pos) move_to_index = self.state.convert_to_index(move_to_pos) move_from_piece = self.state.board[move_from_index] # First, construct response to return to caller response = [] if self.state.board[move_to_index].isupper(): kill_piece = self.state.board[move_to_index] response.append((kill_piece, move_to_pos)) else: kill_piece = None response.append((move_from_piece, move_from_pos+move_to_pos)) # Second, update the chess state with the reply for reference on next turn self.state.board[move_to_index] = self.state.board[move_from_index] self.state.board[move_from_index] = '.' if self.debug: print("Computer move from: ", move_from_pos) print("to: ", move_to_pos) print("with piece: ", move_from_piece) print("killing this piece: ", kill_piece) return valid, response
[docs] def test(self): """This method is only used when debugging and developing the engine. It should not be called from other modules.""" # EXAMPLE CHANGES FROM A USER test2 = ChessState() test2.board[48] = '.' test2.board[8] = 'P' # or 40 / 8 # test2.board[41] = 'P' # test2.board[40] = 'P' # or 40 / 8 new_bwe = test2.get_bwe() print("BWE: ", new_bwe) result = self.state.get_bwe_move(new_bwe) print(result) # TODO: check BWE first for illegal moves # result = self.state.compare_bwe(new_bwe) # print(result) success, response = self.input_bwe(new_bwe) print(success, response) return self.state.update_board(new_bwe) # Tell sunfish this move move_msg = self.state.user_move print("Tell sunfish: ", move_msg) if True: time.sleep(3) print("putting in a2a3") self.command_q.put('a2a3') validity = self.valid_q.get(block=True) print("VALIDITY: ", validity) while self.reply_q.empty(): time.sleep(1) print("reply q is empty") print("I JUST GOT: ", self.reply_q.get()) time.sleep(3) print("putting in a3a4") self.command_q.put('a3a7') validity = self.valid_q.get(block=True) print("VALIDITY 2: ", validity) time.sleep(3) sys.exit() if False: reply = 'h7h2' # debug value print("sunfish reply: ", reply) # TODO: check if sunfish reply caused checkmate # split the reply move_from_pos = reply[0:2] move_to_pos = reply[2:] move_from_index = self.state.convert_to_index(move_from_pos) move_to_index = self.state.convert_to_index(move_to_pos) move_from_piece = self.state.board[move_from_index] if self.state.board[move_to_index].isupper(): kill_piece = self.state.board[move_to_index] else: kill_piece = None print("Computer move from: ", move_from_pos) print("to: ", move_to_pos) print("with piece: ", move_from_piece) print("killing this piece: ", kill_piece)
# return the move information to the caller if __name__ == '__main__': engine = ChessEngine(debug=True, suppress_sunfish=False) engine.test()