Source code for motion

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import time
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from std_msgs.msg import Float64MultiArray
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # for: fig.gca(projection = '3d')

glob_curr_pos_x = None
glob_curr_pos_y = None
glob_curr_pos_z = None

try:  # Python 2/3 raw input correction
    # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
    input = raw_input  # overwrite the use of input with raw_input to support Python 2
except NameError:

[docs]class MotionPlanner: def __init__(self, visual=False, debug=False): """ Initialises the MotionPlanner class with preset hard-coded calibration unless the automatic calibration procedure is implemented. :param visual: Flag control usage of matplotlib for checking results. :param debug: Flag for controlling extensive print statements to console. """ self.visual = visual self.dx = 0.005 self.debug = debug a1_inner = [0.7267045425008777, -0.19296634171907032, -0.06872549226985156] a8_inner = [0.3927532235233764, -0.18683619713296443, -0.07657893758846493] h8_inner = [0.4011762302881528, 0.1679801463159881, -0.07535828159982629] h1_inner = [0.7364192616073851, 0.1560582695967688, -0.06846008006252183] self.board = [a1_inner, a8_inner, h8_inner, h1_inner] # Find the maximum z value of the board self.board_z_max = -0.075 # from Paolo's collected coords x_vector_1 = [(a8_inner[0] - h8_inner[0]), (a8_inner[1] - h8_inner[1]), self.board_z_max] x_vector_2 = [(a1_inner[0] - h1_inner[0]), (a1_inner[1] - h1_inner[1]), self.board_z_max] x_vector = [sum(x)/2 for x in zip(x_vector_1, x_vector_2)] self.x_unit_vector = [coord/6 for coord in x_vector] y_vector_1 = [(h1_inner[0] - h8_inner[0]), (h1_inner[1] - h8_inner[1]), self.board_z_max] y_vector_2 = [(a1_inner[0] - a8_inner[0]), (a1_inner[1] - a8_inner[1]), self.board_z_max] y_vector = [sum(x)/2 for x in zip(y_vector_1, y_vector_2)] self.y_unit_vector = [coord/6 for coord in y_vector] print(self.x_unit_vector) print(self.y_unit_vector) print(h8_inner) self.H8 = [A-B-C for A, B, C in zip(h8_inner, self.x_unit_vector, self.y_unit_vector)] # self.H8 = h8_inner - self.x_unit_vector - self.y_unit_vector print(self.H8) # Find hover height self.hover_height = self.board_z_max + 0.2 # hard coded hover height # Find location of dead zone dead_zone_x_vector = [(vector * 12) for vector in self.x_unit_vector] dead_zone_y_vector = [vector * 4 for vector in self.y_unit_vector] dead_zone_z = self.board_z_max + 0.15 # hardcoded z coordinate of dead zone dead_zone = [sum(elements) for elements in zip(self.H8, dead_zone_x_vector, dead_zone_y_vector)] dead_zone[2] = dead_zone_z self.dead_zone = dead_zone # Find the location of the rest position rest_x_vector = [vector * 4 for vector in self.x_unit_vector] rest_y_vector = [(vector * 4) for vector in self.y_unit_vector] rest_z = self.board_z_max + 0.5 # hardcoded z coordinate of the rest position rest = [sum(element) for element in zip(self.H8, rest_x_vector, rest_y_vector)] rest[2] = rest_z = rest # Find coordinates of each square self.letter_dict = dict([('h', [vector * 0.5 for vector in self.x_unit_vector]), ('g', [vector * 1.5 for vector in self.x_unit_vector]), ('f', [vector * 2.5 for vector in self.x_unit_vector]), ('e', [vector * 3.5 for vector in self.x_unit_vector]), ('d', [vector * 4.5 for vector in self.x_unit_vector]), ('c', [vector * 5.5 for vector in self.x_unit_vector]), ('b', [vector * 6.5 for vector in self.x_unit_vector]), ('a', [vector * 7.5 for vector in self.x_unit_vector]) ]) self.number_dict = dict([('8', [vector * 0.5 for vector in self.y_unit_vector]), ('7', [vector * 1.5 for vector in self.y_unit_vector]), ('6', [vector * 2.5 for vector in self.y_unit_vector]), ('5', [vector * 3.5 for vector in self.y_unit_vector]), ('4', [vector * 4.5 for vector in self.y_unit_vector]), ('3', [vector * 5.5 for vector in self.y_unit_vector]), ('2', [vector * 6.5 for vector in self.y_unit_vector]), ('1', [vector * 7.5 for vector in self.y_unit_vector]) ]) # Find the correct displacement for each piece # Dictionary holds the required gripper width and z offset from table for each piece type width_offset = 0.05 z_offset = self.board_z_max self.piece_dims = dict([('p', [(0.061 - width_offset), 0.030+z_offset]), ('k', [(0.064 - width_offset), 0.063+z_offset]), ('q', [(0.065 - width_offset), 0.063+z_offset]), ('b', [(0.066 - width_offset), 0.049+z_offset]), ('n', [(0.060 - width_offset), 0.023+z_offset]), ('r', [(0.063 - width_offset), 0.029+z_offset]) ])
[docs] @staticmethod def discretise(point_1, point_2, dx): """ Takes a straight line and divides it into smaller defined length segments. :param point_1: First point in 3D space :param point_2: Second point in 3D space :param dx: Distance between points in discretised line. :return: Numpy array of discretised line. """ # create vector from point_1 to point_2 vector = [point_2[0] - point_1[0], point_2[1] - point_1[1], point_2[2] - point_1[2]] # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences distance = np.sqrt(sum(i ** 2 for i in vector)) # number of points on line i = int(distance / dx) # discretise by creating new 1d array line_x = np.linspace(point_1[0], point_2[0], i) line_y = np.linspace(point_1[1], point_2[1], i) line_z = np.linspace(point_1[2], point_2[2], i) line = np.array(np.transpose(np.vstack((line_x, line_y, line_z)))) return line
[docs] def discretise_path(self, move, dx): """ Discretise a moves path using object defined dx for unit. :param move: List of points path goes through. :param dx: Displacement between two points on the target discretised path. :return: Discretised path as numpy array. """ move_discrete = [] # iterate through move segments, discretise and join them for seg_idx in range(len(move) - 1): current_segment = self.discretise(move[seg_idx], move[seg_idx + 1], dx) # print(current_segment) # we add our discretised segment to our move if seg_idx > 0: # if the end of our current move is the same position as the start of our new # segment then we only want to add the list from the second point onwards if move_discrete[-1][0] == current_segment[0][0]: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences move_discrete = np.concatenate((move_discrete, current_segment[1:])) else: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences move_discrete = np.concatenate((move_discrete, current_segment)) else: # on first iteration, we store our segment directly move_discrete = current_segment return move_discrete
[docs] @staticmethod def smooth_corners(path, size_of_corner, passes): """ Takes a discretised path and and rounds the corners using parameters passed into function call. Minimum number of passes is 1, which results in a chamfer. **Note** This function is not currently used due to its error in smoothing the corners. It has not been implemented until a better version can be written. """ if not size_of_corner % 2 == 0: # number of steps must be an even number size_of_corner += 1 steps = size_of_corner if passes < 1: raise ValueError("Number of passes must be >= 1") for i in range(passes): trajectory_1_x = [item[0] for item in path] trajectory_1_y = [item[1] for item in path] trajectory_1_z = [item[2] for item in path] x_tortoise = trajectory_1_x[:-steps] # remove last few coordinates x_hare = trajectory_1_x[steps:] # first last few coordinates x_smooth_path = [(sum(i) / 2) for i in zip(x_tortoise, x_hare)] # average them y_tortoise = trajectory_1_y[:-steps] # remove last few coordinates y_hare = trajectory_1_y[steps:] # remove first few coordinates y_smooth_path = [(sum(i) / 2) for i in zip(y_tortoise, y_hare)] z_tortoise = trajectory_1_z[:-steps] # remove last few coordinates z_hare = trajectory_1_z[steps:] # remove first few coordinates z_smooth_path = [(sum(i) / 2) for i in zip(z_tortoise, z_hare)] # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences smooth_path = np.array( [list(i) for i in zip(x_smooth_path, y_smooth_path, z_smooth_path)]) # append first 6 coordinates in trajectory_1 to the smooth_path # print(path[:(steps / 2)]) # print(smooth_path) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences smooth_path = np.concatenate( (path[:(steps / 2)], smooth_path, path[-(steps / 2):]), axis=0) path = smooth_path return path
[docs] @staticmethod def length_of_path(path): """ Calculates the length of a path stored as an array of (n x 3). :param path: List (length n) of list (length 3) points. :return: The total length of the path in 3D space. """ length = 0 for i in range(len(path) - 1): point_a = path[i] point_b = path[i + 1] length += np.sqrt((point_b[0] - point_a[0]) ** 2 + (point_b[1] - point_a[1]) ** 2 + (point_b[2] - point_a[2]) ** 2) return length
[docs] def apply_trapezoid_vel(self, path, acceleration=0.02, max_speed=0.8): """ Takes a path (currently only a start/end point (straight line), and returns a discretised trajectory of the path controlled by a trapezium velocity profile generated by the input parameters. :param path: List of two points in 3D space. :param acceleration: Acceleration and deceleration of trapezium profile. :param max_speed: Target maximum speed of the trapezium profile. :return: Trajectory as numpy array. """ # set rate of message sending: 0.001 sec == dt == 1kHz NOTE THIS IS GLOBALLY SET dt = 0.005 # set acceleration, start with 0.1 (may need to reduce) NOTE THIS IS GLOBALLY SET acc = acceleration # max 1.0 # set target travel speed for motion target_speed = max_speed # max 1.0 # discretise using a max unit of: target_speed * dt # ideally, we use a dx of: acc * dt**2 dx = acc * dt**2 # this is the ideal delta value if self.debug: print("delta displacement (mm): ", dx * 1000) lop = 0 while lop == 0: dis_path = self.discretise_path(path, dx) # SMOOTHING HAPPENS HERE # if smoothing is going to happen it MUST keep consistent delta displacement # corner = 0.05 # in meters # steps = int(corner * 2 / dx) # print("Steps: ", steps) # smooth_path = planner.smooth_corners(dis_path, size_of_corner=steps, passes=6) smooth_path = dis_path # disable smoothing # find the length of the new path lop = self.length_of_path(smooth_path) if self.debug: print("LOP: ", lop) if lop == 0: print("Length of path is zero, adding indistinguishable offset.") path[1] = [c+0.000001 for c in path[1]] # check if the length of path is < ( speed**2/acc ) # this means that the length of the path is too short to accelerate all the way to the # target speed so we scale it down to keep a triangular profile minimum_path_length = target_speed ** 2 / acc if self.debug: print("Minimum path length: ", minimum_path_length) if lop < minimum_path_length: # if the length is less we need to reduce target_speed if self.debug: print("Path length is too short.") old_speed = target_speed target_speed = np.sqrt(lop * acc) if self.debug: print("Target speed changed from: ", old_speed, ", to: ", target_speed) # assert new target_speed is less than old for safety reasons assert (target_speed <= old_speed) else: # we have confirmed the length of the path is long enough for our target speed if self.debug: print("Path length ok") # we now need to create the speed profile graph and define its parameters # find t for acceleration and deceleration end_stage_t = target_speed / acc # find path distance for acc and dec end_stage_displacement = end_stage_t * target_speed / 2 print("Acc/dec time: ", end_stage_t) # find displacement for constant speed section of motion mid_stage_displacement = lop - 2 * end_stage_displacement # find t for const speed section mid_stage_t = mid_stage_displacement / target_speed # find total time total_time = end_stage_t * 2 + mid_stage_t if self.debug: print("total time: ", total_time) # create a time list using 0->T in steps of dt time_list = np.arange(start=0, stop=total_time, step=dt) np.reshape(time_list, (np.shape(time_list)[0], 1)) # sample speed graph to create list to go with time list speed_values = [] c = (0 - (-acc) * time_list[-1]) for t in time_list: if t <= end_stage_t: # acceleration period speed_values.append(acc * t) elif t >= end_stage_t + mid_stage_t: # deceleration stage speed_values.append(-acc * t + c) elif t > end_stage_t: # constant speed at target speed speed_values.append(target_speed) # sample path using speed list # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable trajectory = np.hstack((smooth_path[0, :], speed_values[0])) # send intermediate points smooth_path_idx = 0 for i in range(1, len(speed_values)): samples = int(np.rint(speed_values[i] * dt / dx)) smooth_path_idx += samples if smooth_path_idx > len(smooth_path) - 1: smooth_path_idx = len(smooth_path) - 1 new_marker = np.hstack((smooth_path[smooth_path_idx], speed_values[i])) trajectory = np.vstack((trajectory, new_marker)) if self.visual: # plotting the board # plot discretised path # fig = plt.figure() # ax3d = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # ax3d.plot(path[:, 0], path[:, 1], path[:, 2], 'r') # ax3d.plot(smooth_path[:, 0], smooth_path[:, 1], smooth_path[:, 2], 'b*') # plot speed profile fig = plt.figure() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal ax3d = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(time_list[:len(speed_values)], speed_values, 'r*') plt.ylabel("speed (m/s)") plt.xlabel("time (s)") # plot trajectory axes against time fig = plt.figure() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal ax3d = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(time_list[:len(trajectory[:, 0])], trajectory[:, 0], 'r*') plt.plot(time_list[:len(trajectory[:, 1])], trajectory[:, 1], 'b*') plt.plot(time_list[:len(trajectory[:, 2])], trajectory[:, 2], 'g*') plt.ylabel("x(r) / y(b) / z(g) displacement (m)") plt.xlabel("time (s)") # plot trajectory in 3d # fig = plt.figure() # ax3d = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # ax3d.plot(path[:, 0], path[:, 1], path[:, 2], 'r') # ax3d.plot(trajectory[:, 0], trajectory[:, 1], trajectory[:, 2], 'g*') return trajectory
[docs] def an_to_coordinates(self, chess_move_an): """ Converts chess algebraic notation into real world ``x, y, z`` coordinates. :param chess_move_an: In form ``[('p','a2a4')]`` or ``[('n','a4'),('p','a2a4')]``. :return: Tuple of coordinate start(1), goal(2), died(3). """ # Extract information from output of game engine if len(chess_move_an) == 1: start_an = chess_move_an[0][1][:2] goal_an = chess_move_an[0][1][2:4] elif len(chess_move_an) == 2: start_an = chess_move_an[1][1][:2] goal_an = chess_move_an[1][1][2:4] else: raise ValueError("Chess move was not understood; not 1 or 2 items") # split start AN location letter_start = start_an[0] number_start = start_an[1] # split goal AN location letter_goal = goal_an[0] number_goal = goal_an[1] # lookup in dictionary x_in_chess_start = self.number_dict[number_start] y_in_chess_start = self.letter_dict[letter_start] x_in_chess_goal = self.number_dict[number_goal] y_in_chess_goal = self.letter_dict[letter_goal] # move by dims_in_chess from the H8 coordinate coord_start = [sum(i) for i in zip(self.H8, x_in_chess_start, y_in_chess_start)] coord_goal = [sum(i) for i in zip(self.H8, x_in_chess_goal, y_in_chess_goal)] coord_died = [sum(i) for i in zip(self.H8, x_in_chess_goal, y_in_chess_goal)] # select z coordinate based on what piece it is if len(chess_move_an) == 1: piece = chess_move_an[0][0].lower() # which is the piece? dims = self.piece_dims[piece] # height and grip dims coord_start[2] = dims[1] # height dim coord_goal[2] = dims[1] # height dim return coord_start, coord_goal elif len(chess_move_an) == 2: alive_piece = chess_move_an[1][0].lower() # which is the piece? dead_piece = chess_move_an[0][0].lower() alive_dims = self.piece_dims[alive_piece] # height and grip dims dead_dims = self.piece_dims[dead_piece] # height and grip dims coord_start[2] = alive_dims[1] # height dim coord_goal[2] = alive_dims[1] # height dim coord_died[2] = dead_dims[1] return coord_start, coord_goal, coord_died
[docs] def generate_moves(self, chess_move_an, franka): """ Generates a number of segments each a straight line path that will execute the move generated by the chess engine. :param chess_move_an: Takes chess move in algebraic notation from chess engine :param franka: Takes franka control object as argument to find current position :return: a list of lists that depict the full start to goal trajectory of each segment """ if len(chess_move_an) == 1: move_from, move_to = self.an_to_coordinates(chess_move_an) # Generate the intermediate positions of the path move_from_hover = [move_from[0], move_from[1], self.hover_height] move_to_hover = [move_to[0], move_to[1], self.hover_height] current_position = [franka.x, franka.y, franka.z] moves = np.array([[[current_position,], [current_position, move_from_hover], [current_position, move_from]], [[current_position, move_from_hover], [current_position, move_to_hover], [current_position, move_to]], [[current_position, move_to_hover], [current_position,]]]) elif len(chess_move_an) == 2: move_from, move_to, died = self.an_to_coordinates(chess_move_an) # Generate the intermediate positions of the path move_from_hover = [move_from[0], move_from[1], self.hover_height] move_to_hover = [move_to[0], move_to[1], self.hover_height] dead_zone_hover = [self.dead_zone[0], self.dead_zone[1], self.hover_height] current_position = [franka.x, franka.y, franka.z] moves = np.array([[[current_position,], [current_position, move_to_hover], [current_position, died]], [[current_position, move_to_hover], [current_position, dead_zone_hover]], [[current_position, move_from_hover], [current_position, move_from]], [[current_position, move_from_hover], [current_position, move_to_hover], [current_position, move_to]], [[current_position, move_to_hover], [current_position,]]]) else: raise ValueError("The length of the chess move was invalid; not 1 or 2 items") # # plot the trajectory # if self.visual: # fig = plt.figure() # ax3d = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # if self.visual: # # Separate into xyz # x = [coord[0] for coord in path] # y = [coord[1] for coord in path] # z = [coord[2] for coord in path] # # # getting board points # board_x = [coord[0] for coord in self.board] # board_y = [coord[1] for coord in self.board] # board_z = [coord[2] for coord in self.board] # # add the first point to the end of the list to create polygon # board_x.append(self.board[0][0]) # board_y.append(self.board[0][1]) # board_z.append(self.board[0][2]) # # # plotting # fig = plt.figure() # ax3d = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # # # plot the board # ax3d.plot(board_x, board_y, board_z, 'y') # # plot important points # ax3d.plot([[0]], [[1]], [[2]], 'g*') # ax3d.plot([self.dead_zone[0]], [self.dead_zone[1]], [self.dead_zone[2]], 'g*') # # plot the untouched path # ax3d.plot(x, y, z, 'r') # return moves
[docs] def input_chess_move(self, arm_object, chess_move_an): """ After new move is fetched from the game engine, the result is passed to this function so that a trajectory may be generated. This is then executed on FRANKA. :param arm_object: Takes object of Franka arm control class. :param chess_move_an: Takes chess move generated from chess engine. """ ungrip_dim = 0.045 gripper_delay = 0.5 if len(chess_move_an) > 1: chess_play = chess_move_an[1][1] else: chess_play = chess_move_an[0][1] # acceleration improvement if move does not involve protected ranks ranks = ['8'] if (chess_play[1] not in ranks) and (chess_play[3] not in ranks): a = 0.08 else: a = 0.02 moves = self.generate_moves(chess_move_an, arm_object) current_position = [arm_object.x, arm_object.y, arm_object.z] for i, series in enumerate(moves): series = np.array(series) for path in series: path = np.array(path) # we update the starting point to the position of the FRANKA arm currently path[0] = current_position # # plot 2 points # if self.visual: # ax3d.plot(path[:, 0], path[:, 1], path[:, 2], 'r*') # ax3d.plot(path[:, 0], path[:, 1], path[:, 2], 'r') motion_plan = self.apply_trapezoid_vel(path, acceleration=a) arm_object.send_trajectory(motion_plan) # for x, y, z, speed in motion_plan: # # print(x,y,z,speed) # arm.move_to(x, y, z, speed) # time.sleep(0.005) # control loop # update current position current_position = [arm_object.x, arm_object.y, arm_object.z] # gripper starts here if len(chess_move_an) == 1: # if not piece died piece = chess_move_an[0][0].lower() # which is the piece? dims = self.piece_dims[piece] # height and grip dims grip_dim = dims[0] # grip dims if i == 0: # grip time.sleep(gripper_delay) arm_object.move_gripper(grip_dim, 0.1) time.sleep(gripper_delay) elif i == 1: # release time.sleep(gripper_delay) arm_object.move_gripper(ungrip_dim, 0.1) time.sleep(gripper_delay) elif len(chess_move_an) == 2: piece = chess_move_an[0][0].lower() dims = self.piece_dims[piece] grip_dim = dims[0] # PICKING UP DEAD PIECE if i == 0: # grip time.sleep(gripper_delay) arm_object.move_gripper(grip_dim, 0.1) time.sleep(gripper_delay) # DROPPING OFF DEAD PIECE AT DEAD ZONE elif i == 1: # release time.sleep(gripper_delay) arm_object.move_gripper(ungrip_dim, 0.1) time.sleep(gripper_delay) # PICKING UP NEW PIECE elif i == 2: piece = chess_move_an[1][0] # change piece dims for second grip dims = self.piece_dims[piece] grip_dim = dims[0] # grip time.sleep(gripper_delay) arm_object.move_gripper(grip_dim, 0.1) time.sleep(gripper_delay) # DROPPING OFF NEW PIECE TO ITS DESTINATION elif i == 3: # release time.sleep(gripper_delay) arm_object.move_gripper(ungrip_dim, 0.1) time.sleep(gripper_delay)
if __name__ == '__main__': from franka.franka_control_ros import FrankaRos arm = FrankaRos(init_ros_node=True) # create an arm object for testing motion generation planner = MotionPlanner(visual=False, debug=True) # EXAMPLE MOTION TO TEST IF PARTS ARE WORKING # example_path = np.array([[arm.x, arm.y, arm.z], [arm.x, arm.y + 0.2, arm.z]]) # move +y # motion_plan = planner.apply_trapezoid_vel(example_path) # arm.send_trajectory(motion_plan) if True: # For debugging purposes # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import rospy try: # EXAMPLE CHESS MOVES chess_move = [('n', 'g8f6')] # chess_move = [("p", "e4"), ("p", "d5e4")] planner.input_chess_move(arm, chess_move) time.sleep(2) print("finished motion.") except rospy.ROSInterruptException as e: print(e)